
We hold all permits, so we have the expertise to buy or sell houses | condos | 2 to 5 units (small plex) | 6 – 100 units (portfolio, investors, rental park) | land | land development or new projects | waterfront property, cottage, rental cottage | commercial | industrial.

Maximize your selling price

When selling your property, we conduct a thorough appraisal, backed by solid, concrete evidence, while providing you with precise strategies and an honest market perspective. Our goal is to optimize the conditions of sale that meet your expectations. We want to create a business relationship with you, not take on a mandate at any price! Our services include taking full responsibility for marketing costs, with remuneration based solely on the success of the sale.


When you’re considering buying a property, we’ll provide you with a detailed report on your options, including any issues or constraints on the said property (e.g. its issues, pedigree, advantages and disadvantages), its potential, but also any possible external constraints (area, contamination, etc.) that could jeopardize a potential resale or profit. It may happen that you fall in love with a house, but as professionals, we may advise you against buying for objective reasons. In the end, you’ll be in control of the decision, with all the relevant information in hand. That’s where our true value lies: being your neutral eyes in the most important decision of your life. Our commitment is total, and our services are completely free, whatever the property you’re looking for on the market.


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